We consider prediction with expert advice when data are generated from distributions varying arbitrarily within an unknown constraint set. This semi-adversarial setting includes (at the extremes) the classical i.i.d. setting, when the unknown constraint set is restricted to be a singleton, and the unconstrained adversarial setting, when the constraint set is the set of all distributions. The Hedge algorithm—long known to be minimax (rate) optimal in the adversarial regime—was recently shown to be simultaneously minimax optimal for i.i.d. data. In this work, we propose to relax the i.i.d. assumption by seeking adaptivity at all levels of a natural ordering on constraint sets. We provide matching upper and lower bounds on the minimax regret at all levels, show that Hedge with deterministic learning rates is suboptimal outside of the extremes and prove that one can adaptively obtain minimax regret at all levels. We achieve this optimal adaptivity using the follow-the-regularized-leader (FTRL) framework, with a novel adaptive regularization scheme that implicitly scales as the square root of the entropy of the current predictive distribution, rather than the entropy of the initial predictive distribution. Finally, we provide novel technical tools to study the statistical performance of FTRL along the semi-adversarial spectrum.